welcome to my photo page!

I started photographing in August 2003 when I bought my first camera. It is a Olympus C5050-Zoom with a P-015 UW case. My main intention was and still is underwater photography. In 02/2004 I bought an extra UW micro lense.

End of July I met Anja in La Paz/Bolivia to travel for about three weeks through Bolivia & Peru. We've been to La Paz, Copacabana, Cusco, Machu Picchu and Lima where we met my family. On the way back we had a couple of hours in New York where we made the last shots.
I didnt dive there but I had the opportunity to snorchel with loads of stinky sea lions in the icecold Humboldt Current near Lima.

In September I spent 8 days on the Maledives (Lily Beach, South Ari Atoll) together with Iris, Maria and Frank. We had a great time there, but when searching for whale sharks we only found a storm :-(
The dive base choosed one of my pictures as picture of the month!

Anja and me spent a couple of days at the Baltic Sea at the end of August. We went sailing on an old "Zeesen"-boat.

In the middle of March I went diving again at Beachsafari (Marsa Alam) for two weeks. Unfortunately my camera has been drowned after a week and now is a salty piece of electric scrap :-(

On January the 1st I went on holiday with Anja to Gran Canaria. We stayed in the south near the great dunes of Playa del Ingles.

In April I went to Egypt (were I started diving in 2000). This time I went deep south into a small and humble camp (Beachsafari) next to Marsa Alam.

In February/March 2004 I went diving again. This time I travelled to the other end of the world: Sabang Beach on the island Mindoro/Philippines.
The island is well known for its fantastic biodiversity (some biologist say that life at all started in that region). I especially was interested in the many macro motives (nudibranches), so I bought an extra macro lense for my camera. It was difficult to make good shots, I soon reached the limits of my camera, mainly because I had no external light/flash.

On a very cold sunday morning (25th of January 2004) I got up early and took pictures from the frozen Spree at the Fischerinsel. Afterwards I manipulated the shots - I really like them!

In September/October 2003 I went diving in Curaçao with Maria, Frank, Ciska, Marinus and Iris (thank you for the great time!) and I shot hundreds of pictures. It was the beginning of my UW photography.

Before we flight to Curacao I visited Iris in De Refter and made some nice photos in her garden

feel free to send me comments, reviews or loveletters: david at cryptix dot de